So long Windows hello Linux…

From 3.1 to 11…

Like I said in the Mission Statement – gaming on Linux and other plastic boxes, initially I was opting for Pop!_OS but in the end Ubuntu made it onto the solid state drive simply because of the purple jelly fish, I like purple – in fact purple is my favourite colour, so that was the deciding factor and the start of my Linux OS adventure. I’ve dabbled with various distributions before and as quickly as installing them, even quicker I removed them and went back to Windows simply because I couldn’t be bothered to learn my way around or find alternatives to the programs I was use to, that is changing!

Why now? Well it began some weeks back, my gaming PC and Windows had simply become bloated and for some unfathomable reason the system began to die on me, random crashes with various applications and resetting out of the blue? Me being me just accepted it and re-installed and began again. Not this time, having dealt with an issue of nothing loading up, not even the Calculator or Notepad it was time for 11 to go.

First tentative steps in Ubuntu, sort Intel Arc drivers out, frag me inputting all the code in Terminal to get GPU drivers up and running. Sudo this, Sudo that! Well mission accomplished, I got there after following a page full of instructions and with Steam installed with the click of a button it was time to download some games and get going. Something native, programmed for Linux – Butcher and then onto Windows developed games, utilizing Proton and Doom from 2016.

Hell on Earth – it works! Just got to work out why it wont go above 1280 X 720 resolution? But hey, I can whack the setting up to ultra and it looks quite good, plays buttery smooth at 60 FPS, just got to download OBS, work out how to use it and then capture some game play and work on a review, the first review of TGI 2.0.

For now back to Doom.

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